Friday, 3 June 2011

quotes about originality

quotes about originality. /quotes/comstock/13*!aat/
  • /quotes/comstock/13*!aat/

  • batchtaster
    Apr 6, 12:55 PM
    That's an even sillier statement.

    Ask them about the complete re-write of their meta-data server.

    quotes about originality. Originality is the art of
  • Originality is the art of

  • SevenInchScrew
    Apr 4, 06:07 PM
    I just went to the Denver Automotive show and crapped my pants lol
    I miss going to good auto shows. I went to college in Phoenix, and they have a pretty good car show every year. Here in Omaha, we get just the basics for new cars, with a few random concept cars sprinkled in here and there. Nothing great, really, and that sucks. I'd love to get over to Geneva or Frankfurt to see one of those huge shows one of these years.

    quotes about originality. Mullet#39;s inspirational quote
  • Mullet#39;s inspirational quote

  • DiamondMac
    Apr 7, 11:39 AM
    I've been getting "Call Failed" on about 25% of my phone call attempts since 4.3.1. It's really, really annoying.

    That seems about right for AT&T service

    quotes about originality. Quotes that Currently Inspire0
  • Quotes that Currently Inspire0

  • Shadylane315
    Dec 15, 12:38 PM
    I currently have leopard and looking to upgrade to snow leopard. Is it a simple upgrade or erase and install?


    quotes about originality. bob marley quotes images
  • bob marley quotes images

  • dotnina
    Nov 11, 01:33 AM
    From what I gather, it's just like LaunchBar, no?

    I haven't messed with it a whole lot, so I don't know all its ins and outs, but it seemed to be doing a similiar thing (brings up applications/files as you type).

    Not bad, although if they are the same idea, I prefer launch bar - just wish it was free ;)

    I haven't tried Launchbar, but yes, Quicksilver brings up apps / documents / folders / etc. to a certain depth that you can specify (at least partially).

    I guess it's not that hard to explain after all. :p It's very strange and different if you're not familiar with the concept of a launcher, though (at least, I thought it was strange when I first used it ;) ).

    quotes about originality. He then used quotes from that
  • He then used quotes from that

  • antster94
    Apr 28, 06:57 AM
    First, can you [timg] your pic? It is a little huge.

    Second, I like everything about the new XJ.... except how it looks out back. The black D-pillar just really looks out of place. Unless, of course, the car is black itself, and you can't see the contrast. I'm still not sure why they chose to do that, as it just stands out too much. Otherwise, yea, it is a fantastic looking car.

    (black D-pillar)

    Timged :)

    Yeah I see what you mean, it's amazing though. Full B&W 7.1 sound system, 0-60 in 4.9 seconds. Such an awesome car.


    quotes about originality. Is there no originality left
  • Is there no originality left

  • iApache
    Sep 10, 11:15 PM
    Would you be so kind to post this wallpaper please? Thank you!

    quotes about originality. quotes from Stalin,
  • quotes from Stalin,

  • Mr.Noisy
    Feb 1, 11:33 AM
    Icon set? :rolleyes:

    Sorry, the icons are not part of any set,, PS, Mail, Journal = I Made as 1 off's, the Safari & trash icons are original after using silver pro nik filter, Toast 9 & Aperture are standard, Itunes and google chrome I cant remember where i found and the hard drives were from MacThemes, they are Mac Pro Carriers, appropriate as i'm using a MP, only Icon ive a link for is Finder before I put it through Photoshop.

    Original Finder Icon (


    quotes about originality. film quotes never get old,
  • film quotes never get old,

  • fwatch1
    Dec 29, 10:06 PM
    I have just purchased a print server so I can print from my PC laptop and my iMac DV (OSX) to my Canon printer. I have the PC printing wireless fine but I can not get the iMac to print. Where have I gone wrong?

    quotes about originality. originality and topped-off
  • originality and topped-off

  • ann713
    Apr 19, 02:47 AM


    quotes about originality. Example: quotes about art.
  • Example: quotes about art.

  • gwuMACaddict
    Sep 27, 07:31 AM
    i know i've missed a big part of this convo (was away on business), but no, if i had a kid- i wouldn't let him

    quotes about originality. More Shows more originality,
  • More Shows more originality,

  • 4JNA
    May 9, 10:47 AM
    it's like tetris with protiens! (

    edit; well hell, they got slashdotted, and now the site isn't coming up. give them a chance to catch up, cool site and fun (and free) to play.


    quotes about originality. for originality :D
  • for originality :D

  • cherrypop
    Sep 28, 03:11 PM
    Using your numbers that's $80/year, or 20% off. Not bad for doing basically nothing.

    For what it's worth, you can get .Mac packages on eBay for $50. I did earlier this week and have already renewed using the Auth Key.

    Again, see my post just above where I listed URL to a How-To I posted on how to save on DotMac. There are different ways to search that should help you if you've only been able to find $80 listings.

    Where do you see this? Every ebay auction I see for dotmac ends up being at least $75 or more with $5 shipping at least.

    Not that great a deal.

    quotes about originality. author frequently quotes.
  • author frequently quotes.

  • menziep
    Apr 1, 03:50 AM
    Core Image And iBook (rumored) have Been updated

    Have A Look

    Please Post Any Comments Here


    quotes about originality. Labels: Inspirational Quote
  • Labels: Inspirational Quote

  • RedReplicant
    Sep 3, 03:46 AM
    Nice, another back seat mod.

    quotes about originality. quotes are mine anyway,
  • quotes are mine anyway,

  • caspersoong
    Apr 14, 03:58 AM
    There are no CDMA providers in my country. So if the iPhone 5 is not released soon, many people will switch to Android smartphones. But they will be so dissatisfied that they will buy the iPhone 5 when it comes out. (This really is the attitude of my fellow countrymen) I will just wait and see.


    quotes about originality. quot;Catalyst for Originalityquot;
  • quot;Catalyst for Originalityquot;

  • Daveway
    Feb 13, 12:21 AM
    I've seen some other forums, but this forum definatly is the best in terms of mod friendly-ness, etc. And their quite efficient here, too. Plus our mods have cooler sounding usernames...

    This is so true. Of all forums I've joined, MacRumors is the best. There is a friendliness to it and a feeling of family and friends. My friends always ask me how on Earth could I love a forum so much.

    I just want to thank Arn, Doctor Q, and all the other mods for making MacRumors one of the best forums on the web.
    Toast to the Macintosh, good friends, and the future of MacRumors!

    quotes about originality. nature of originality
  • nature of originality

  • tick1
    Sep 2, 07:33 PM
    New Iphone user, Please Help, Iphone 3GS can not restore any ipsw, Error 3194.
    Iphone ver.3.1.2 (jailbreak) bootRom?

    After WiFi stop recognized network, I choose to reset Iphone network?
    After Iphone reset, I tried run with blackra1n version RC3,
    From that time I can not restore any IPSW files. It gave an Error 3194 or see below log messages.

    2010-08-25 08:15:09.134 [2952:ca8]: restore library built Jun 8 2010 at 18:17:31
    2010-08-25 08:15:09.134 [2952:ca8]: iTunes: iTunes
    2010-08-25 08:15:09.134 [2952:ca8]: iTunes: Software payload version: 7E18 (option key)
    2010-08-25 08:15:09.165 [2952:ffc]: iTunes: Specifying UOI boot image
    2010-08-25 08:15:09.165 [2952:ffc]: requested restore behavior: Erase
    2010-08-25 08:15:09.181 [2952:ffc]: amai: AMAuthInstallPlatformCreateDataFromFileURL: can't resolve file
    2010-08-25 08:15:57.837 [2952:ffc]: amai: tss_submit_job: error from server=94 (This device isn't eligible for the requested build.)
    2010-08-25 08:15:57.837 [2952:ffc]: amai: kAMAuthInstallRequestCacheLocalizedTssError: cached server error text: (3194) This device isn't eligible for the requested build.
    2010-08-25 08:15:57.837 [2952:ffc]: amai: AMAuthInstallRequestSendSync: failed tss submission: This device isn't eligible for the requested build.
    2010-08-25 08:15:57.837 [2952:ffc]: amai: AMAuthInstallBundlePersonalizePartial: server request error: This device isn't eligible for the requested build.
    2010-08-25 08:15:57.837 [2952:ffc]: failed to personalize the restore bundle: This device isn't eligible for the requested build.
    2010-08-25 08:15:57.837 [2952:ffc]: AMRAuthInstallDeletePersonalizedBundle
    2010-08-25 08:15:58.024 [2952:ffc]: removed personalized bundle
    2010-08-25 08:15:58.024 [2952:ffc]: AMRecoveryModeDeviceCopyAuthInstallPreflightOptions: failed to personalize bundle
    2010-08-25 08:15:58.509 [2952:ca8]: iTunes: Restore error 3194
    2010-08-25 08:15:58.509 [2952:ca8]: AMRAuthInstallGetLocalizedStringForServerError: no cached text for tss error code 3194

    quotes about originality. On her originality in music:
  • On her originality in music:

  • bmservice
    Apr 27, 03:53 AM
    Maybe something wrong with the 30pin connector. Too loose after long time using?

    Apr 26, 06:43 AM
    Unfortunately the heat sink/fan has become detached.

    Can I use the MX-2 paste I used on the CPU's?

    Apr 11, 04:06 PM
    Either way is fine.

    Oct 6, 12:14 AM
    Resizable textarea's have been implemented in WebKit nightlies for a few months now but were turned off by default at some point.

    For this to be included in a front page news item when its been publicly available for months is ludicrous.

    Apr 7, 02:52 PM
    I am all against this nostalgia gaming. U have so many great games available on the ipad or iphone that utilise their potencial, why would u wanr to play games that have 12 pixels running around? I think it has more to do with people remembering the "good old times" when they havent had all that depression, fear and insecurity going on.

    GET OFF MY LAWN!!! you young whipper snapper! ;)

    Mar 21, 06:29 PM
    poll didnt work it exceeded the time limit

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