Thursday, 2 June 2011

pics of quotes on love

pics of quotes on love. Courtney Love: No Longer an Addicted, Or PostedThursday, May 26th, 2011. Courtney Love. Yeah, I#39;m definitely an addict [.
  • Courtney Love: No Longer an Addicted, Or PostedThursday, May 26th, 2011. Courtney Love. Yeah, I#39;m definitely an addict [.

  • Rodimus Prime
    May 4, 01:58 PM
    still wrong. How we treat our worst enemies speak volumes about who we are.

    pics of quotes on love. Love card
  • Love card

  • mac jones
    Mar 11, 07:12 AM
    Anyone happen to see a line on Michigan or North?

    pics of quotes on love. Levitate Web SiteLove Quotes - A Romantic Quiz For Valentine#39;s Day Support
  • Levitate Web SiteLove Quotes - A Romantic Quiz For Valentine#39;s Day Support

  • Doctor Q
    Mar 28, 01:28 AM
    There's a section called How do I find my own posts? in the FAQ.

    If by "watch your posts" you mean that you want to know when there's new discussion in a forum thread in which you have posted, see Forum tip: how to use subscriptions.

    pics of quotes on love. Love Quotes and Sayings
  • Love Quotes and Sayings

  • FHL78
    Jul 10, 10:58 AM
    I plan on being there in VB, do you think we need to get there that early? I know this is BIG but will it be here in Vero?


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  • Steviejobz
    Apr 4, 11:18 AM
    Cool, just cancelled my print subscription

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  • iphonecrazyful
    Oct 9, 03:15 PM
    hmm... laggy?

    i think it must have been my phone its ok now :(


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  • yayitsezekiel
    Dec 25, 06:40 AM
    will post in approximately 6 hours or so :)

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  • rwilliams
    Dec 7, 11:58 AM

    Please share this wallpaper.


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  • maverick808
    Jan 9, 04:28 PM
    im more than sure your going to get another special event when Leopard launches and it will have iWork and iLilfe launched at the same time as it now seems these are integrating more than before....

    Why have everything in the one day, when we now get the chance to sit back, take in what we just say and look forward to something else very soon..:

    I have to admit this is a good point, we WILL be getting iWork, iLife and Leopard sometime soon, and most likely new hardware around the same time.

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  • P.S. I Love You Quotes

  • JGowan
    Jul 27, 04:49 PM
    Can't wait for the Ramadan Rush Sales!

    Lighten up PC police.Bite me. People need to have more tolerance to other religions. Period. Christianity is not the only religion on the planet, though some seem to think it should be.


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  • inspiring quotes, jeans,

  • Cybergypsy
    Feb 19, 11:40 AM
    There are a few listed including mine....

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  • love you more than quotes.

  • nameht
    May 3, 12:01 AM
    Hello everyone,

    Two nights ago my iPhone 4 was at around 10% battery life, I plugged it in, and then in the morning found out it did not charge and was completely dead.

    I tried to turn it on again to no avail. I have tried holding the home + power button, plugging into mac, trying different wires and nothing is working.

    I am planning on taking into the apple store, however my phone was jailbroken. If it does not turn on will I be able to get a replacement phone?

    thanks for the help!


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  • Prof.
    Apr 1, 01:03 PM

    pics of quotes on love. inspiring quotes, jeans,
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  • LukeHarrison
    Aug 2, 01:14 AM
    What OS are you running and version and how did you get it to look that good?

    It's Ubuntu Linux, with the Ambience Refined ( theme, Android fonts and the GNOME Do dock replacing the standard GNOME bottom panel. The desktop calender is Rainlendar Pro (which is also available for OS X) and syncs nicely with Google Calendar, so it pushes events to my iPhone. It's a really tasty setup if I'm honest, if I didn't need Logic, I'd be tempted to switch totally from OS X.


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  • Comeagain?
    Apr 24, 11:33 PM

    Another :apple: product I WON'T buy!!!

    Not that I don't want to, I just don't need to and there is a new one coming sometime this year so...NO!

    pics of quotes on love. Love Quotes La Frase del Día
  • Love Quotes La Frase del Día

  • twoodcc
    Feb 11, 04:22 PM
    Was moved to get back into DC recently after a long absence. Not adding anything too significant, but I still like contributing. (note that only the first two are actually mine, the rest I just have access to)

    -MBP 13" 2.53 C2D (my main computer, gets used for lots of other things including video work so it's not exactly a rapid contributor right now)

    -AMD X2 64 4600+ [2.4] (my 6 year old pc in a Shuttle chassis, haven't gotten around to building a new one yet, only has a 7900 series gpu so no gpu folding unfortunately)

    -i7 iMac (the quad core sleeper)

    -base i3 iMac

    I also have access to two 2.0 C2D MacBooks but they probably aren't worth utilizing because of their sporadic use patterns combined with their relatively low speed.

    I also have a PS3 which I would use if it was possible for it to fold in the background while playing games, watching movies, etc. But apparently that's not possible.

    As far as a new PC goes, I'm torn between spending money on the PC or [more money] on a new 15" MBP whenever the next gen comes out.

    Also I feel like I came up with a rather ingenious idea for keeping track of all of the computers' progress (from anywhere). I used a combination InCrease and Dropbox. All of the computers have Dropbox installed on them, and each computer except for the main one has a separate folder all of its own in the Dropbox folder where F@H lives for that machine. These folders are then added to InCrease for monitoring. That way whenever the log file or queue file or whatever is updated, it's immediately synced to the main computer and shows up in InCrease. That way even if I'm traveling and I want to check and see what the boxen are doing at home, I can. And it's all seamless. I'm actually pretty proud of myself for having the idea haha :)

    nice. hey as long as you have permission to fold on those iMacs, we could use the points. the macbooks might not be worth it, depending on what they are used for.

    as far as a PC vs mbp, that's up to you. but those new intel processors sure do seem nice. what kind of pc did you have in mind for building?

    not a bad idea for keeping track of folding


    pics of quotes on love. Love Quotes La Frase del Día
  • Love Quotes La Frase del Día

  • LukeHarrison
    Jan 9, 11:44 AM
    Turn your EQ into a smile, remove all the mids and boost the tops and bass for that (rather horrid) crunchy, digital sounding distortion.

    Sorry, not a fan of that sort of guitar sound really, it always sounds too processed and a little 'phoney', if that's the right way to describe it.

    Good luck with the project though, it's always nice to hear people getting into audio work :)

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  • we love typography. a place to

  • rikers_mailbox
    Oct 5, 08:50 PM
    Those Safari updates? I would expect no less!!

    If Safari didn't at least keep up with FireFox, then shame Apple. At best Safari should innovate just as much as Apple claims. How about CoverFlow for cached pages?

    pics of quotes on love. Quotes--Love of Life and Living
  • Quotes--Love of Life and Living

  • MacFan26
    Aug 24, 07:34 PM
    I don't think this has been posted yet, sorry if I just didn't see it! Apparently Real has had some success selling songs:

    Sep 27, 08:58 AM
    Super short domain name...

    the attraction here with a .mac account

    Apr 7, 09:09 AM
    Except that I don't jailbreak my iPad. :p I do however work in an electronics repair shop, and we do jailbreaking/unlocking for customers sometimes. Apple is beating down the jailbreak community pretty well recently. It's a pain for me because it means lots of customers coming in complaining that their jailbreak/unlock is gone. ;)

    I can see your pain. :)

    But I would assume you also warn your customers about what they are doing don't you? It should be a known risk.

    Full of Win
    Apr 27, 12:49 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    This tracking stuff is all the Apple haters fault. All the non-iPhone owners are the one's making a big deal about it. Can't wait to buy a white iPhone tomorrow so Apple can track 2 phones I own.

    We iPhone and 3G iPad owners are plenty upset by this as well.

    Mar 27, 02:04 PM
    I shoot with a canon HV30 which imports as HDV1080i
    Will that format be friendly to both editing suites?

    Here's the catch tho.
    because i shoot in the 24p mode I have to reverse telecine in and because I edit in FCP 99% of the time, I convert it to prores. Does premiere play nice with prores?

    Mar 31, 03:10 PM
    Yeah except Photoshop is for people like me so it is relevant.

    Missed half the post, eh?

    So buy a capacitive stylus already ... Insofar as a few people do need a stylus for limited applications, third parties make them. Buy one if you need it

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