Tuesday, 31 May 2011

oscar de la hoya vs manny pacquiao

oscar de la hoya vs manny pacquiao. Manny Pacquiao vs.Oscar dela
  • Manny Pacquiao vs.Oscar dela

  • rozwell
    Nov 22, 03:16 PM
    i have to ask... what is with the drop shadow? huge, obvious drop shadows are NOT good unless you are animating 3d objects or doing motion graphics... the big drop shadow is running rampant around the web attacking sites left and right... i say we start here and rise against the drop shadow.

    beyond that, like other users said, your tech side is fine. as for visuals, others have pointed out the color issues.

    as a general rule, to see what other designers are doing, check out design portals such as news today, design is kinky or k10k. there are tons out there and they show the best of the best digital artists.

    oscar de la hoya vs manny pacquiao. manny pacquiao. oscar de la
  • manny pacquiao. oscar de la

  • richiez
    Oct 2, 07:42 PM
    were you using it on a tmobile?

    If you were using it on at&t you can downgrade it to 1.02 and still do jailbreak and install all your 3rd party apps and use iAsign to activate.

    oscar de la hoya vs manny pacquiao. Manny Pacquiao vs. Oscar De La
  • Manny Pacquiao vs. Oscar De La

  • rainman::|:|
    Sep 22, 05:48 PM
    What's the format of the movie? AVI? MPG? You may need to examine the formats of both the soundtrack and videotrack, to see if the video requires a special codec to play.

    oscar de la hoya vs manny pacquiao. Manny Pacquiao AKA PacMan
  • Manny Pacquiao AKA PacMan

  • DakotaGuy
    Sep 12, 09:10 PM
    Look, Apple is focused on having an Alti-Vec processor, everything has been written for that, now people say the new IBM Power PC based on Power4 might not be Alti-Vec so therefore Apple will not use them. If Apple is so worried about having Alti-Vec, then why in the hell would they be now going to an x86 from AMD. If Apple goes AMD or Intel it would have to be an x86 processor. That is what they build and they are not going to build a small number of some special high tech processor just for Apple, sorry IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

    Okay lets say you guys are right and Apple says...yep an AMD Athlon for our PowerMacs in Jan...then what do you do with the "i" and "e" series. Do you continue on with them as a PPC with Alti-Vec and make the PowerMacs with an x86 AMD? HOLY MOLY what a confusing thing. We then have Macs that are not even compatible with each other, you then have to make different software for different computers. What about all the PPC Macs that are out there right now. How long do companies have to make different software for all different types of machines? If Apple goes to AMD it would not be a PowerPC, and for now changing chip arc. would make for lots of confusion.

    There is still something called AIM and PowerPC and this is where the future Apple processors will come from. Intel and AMD are not going to plug huge amounts of money into designing an all new chip that is completely compatible with PPC considering Apples market share. If Apple goes x86 then they might as well stick Windows XP on their machines and go head to head with the rest of the PC mess.


    oscar de la hoya vs manny pacquiao. Oscar De La Hoya vs Manny
  • Oscar De La Hoya vs Manny

  • sat165
    May 1, 01:00 PM

    oscar de la hoya vs manny pacquiao. Manny Pacquiao and Oscar De La
  • Manny Pacquiao and Oscar De La

  • zarathustra
    Jul 12, 03:52 PM
    OK, wasn't sure where to file this, but i found this crazy Czech guy (are there any other Czech guys? :) ) who installed a PowerMac G4 in his Tatra 613. Which is BTW a pretty impressive car for it's time.

    Click for link. (http://www.mujmac.cz/art/hw/tatra_mac_eng.html?tisk=on)


    oscar de la hoya vs manny pacquiao. arum, pacman, and dela hoya
  • arum, pacman, and dela hoya

  • strider42
    Apr 9, 10:37 PM
    I salvaged 4 of the 1st generation iMacs from a storage closet. Unfortunately the RAM is so abysmal that I can't begin to install OS X.

    I can't find OS 9.x install discs for a reasonable price. They're all a fortune.

    If anyone can help me acquire, borrow, copy, torrent, whatever a version of this OS we (my students and I) would appreciate it.

    Of course, you're asking, "What the heck will students do with these relics?" We have kids with multiple disabilities. We're running some VERY basic software, games, etc. So these iMacs will provide basic functionality needed.


    Question, what is this machine running right now. its important because if it really is a first generation iMac, it needs to have had the firmware update 1.2 installed first. If you don't do that, OS 9 won't install. if its been running 8.6 or higher, it should be fine. This applies to all tray loading iMacs.

    If its a slot loader, you don't have to worry about it.

    oscar de la hoya vs manny pacquiao. Manny Pacquiao Vs Oscar De la
  • Manny Pacquiao Vs Oscar De la

  • y0zza
    May 3, 06:45 PM
    As some have mentioned, the Late 2008 Unibody uses DDR3 1067 MHz.

    RAM from the 2011 MBP will work fine albeit at 1067 MHz.

    I upgraded to 8GB DDR3 1333 in my Late 2008 (was same price as the DDR3 1067) and the same sticks are working fine in the new 2011 MBP.


    oscar de la hoya vs manny pacquiao. Oscar de la Hoya vs Manny
  • Oscar de la Hoya vs Manny

  • lawrencewinkler
    Oct 23, 04:55 AM
    Its great that Apple are still updating Java... however, no news regarding Java 7... Hoping that Java 7 doesn't appear too long after official releases on other platforms.

    Oracle announced Java 7 for Summer Java 8 12 to 18 months later. They are generally moving the JVM to better support languages other than Java, including support for functions as first-class objects among other improvements.

    oscar de la hoya vs manny pacquiao. Oscar De La Hoya: 147. Walk-In
  • Oscar De La Hoya: 147. Walk-In

  • PaRaGoNViCtiM
    Nov 28, 06:08 PM
    i can offer 70$ shipped to the uk !
    sorry all i got very low i know :)
    Sent you a PM.


    oscar de la hoya vs manny pacquiao. PRO BOXING - DE LA HOYA VS

  • Zen0Jin
    May 6, 09:02 AM
    I have a 1TB WD Caviar Black drive as an external and I'm glad they put in the Seagate in mine.

    My Caviar Black is fast, but it's a lot of clicking and seeking.

    I also have a Caviar Green and a Caviar Blue, the green being my favorite as it's pretty silent.

    I can't hear my Seagate drive at all even when transferring documents at full tilt.

    I have to say, I'm used to SSDs but I think I'll be OK with this drive until Lion is released and hopeful the Intel SSD 320s drop in price and I get the nerve up to open this baby up and do some surgery... :rolleyes:

    oscar de la hoya vs manny pacquiao. President Oscar de la Hoya
  • President Oscar de la Hoya

  • Silent Assassin
    Mar 28, 10:54 AM
    You can ONLY do a tethered jailbreak on 4.3 (or 4.3.1) currently.. as someone has stated here..


    oscar de la hoya vs manny pacquiao. He went 0-6 against Pacquiao,
  • He went 0-6 against Pacquiao,

  • SFStateStudent
    Jun 23, 11:06 PM
    I might do a drive by to support you all. I got (1) iPhone 4 via FEDEX this morning at 8:45am...:cool:

    oscar de la hoya vs manny pacquiao. De La Hoya shocked those in
  • De La Hoya shocked those in

  • wickedG35
    Feb 29, 04:31 PM
    What a sweet deal! I would love to buy a second one as a backup simply because it's such a great price, but I don't want to be greedy. I don't imagine these will last too long.



    oscar de la hoya vs manny pacquiao. Pacquiao won when De La Hoya
  • Pacquiao won when De La Hoya

  • garzy
    Apr 26, 10:36 PM
    Originally posted by bfj

    ... I stopped by WalMart, and bought one of the 499 HP bundles...

    oscar de la hoya vs manny pacquiao. De La Hoya fans begin to cheer
  • De La Hoya fans begin to cheer

  • yoyo5280
    Oct 19, 02:59 AM
    Im to young for meetups, but does anybody know if :apple: are doing it at shibuya store? acutely...no school GINZA YAY!


    mom might say no
    (of-course to meetup but to going in general...maybe)


    oscar de la hoya vs manny pacquiao. Oscar De La Hoya vs. Manny
  • Oscar De La Hoya vs. Manny

  • Eduardo1971
    May 6, 05:16 PM
    My 3G S iPhone died and I ended up replacing it with the iPhone 4.

    When I was at the Apple Store the sales person brought up the two current AT&T iPhone data plans--my $30 unlimited iPhone Data plan was the other option.

    The salesperson asked me if I wanted to change my data plan or if I wanted to continue with the unlimited plan.

    I continued with my unlimited plan. I was also worried that they would have downgrade me to one of the capped iPhone data plans-glad that wasn't the case.

    oscar de la hoya vs manny pacquiao. Manny Pacquiao Vs Oscar De la
  • Manny Pacquiao Vs Oscar De la

  • dsprack
    Oct 28, 08:41 PM
    To be honest, I hate Pitchfork - they only seem to value indie music. While I love Arcade Fire and Stars, I do like to listen to slightly more mainstream music too.

    It almost seems like Pitchfork will automatically rate an album between 4.8 and 6 if it's by a rock artist. I guess it's their opinion, but I'd like to see positive reviews of other music every once in a while.

    oscar de la hoya vs manny pacquiao. De La Hoya Manny Pacquiao
  • De La Hoya Manny Pacquiao

  • Jolly Jimmy
    Apr 23, 07:56 AM
    Will I be able to put the retail version on a flash drive? Because my dvd drive is pretty much busted.

    Yes, I did the same for my flatmate's 1st gen MacBook whose drive is also bust.

    Would it be possible just to clone my Macbook 6,1 HDD and restore it to the HDD on the 1,1?

    I'm not sure if this can be done without any problems.

    Apr 23, 02:31 PM
    I have ClickToFlash enabled and haven't clicked on any video. Yet, the scrolling stops when it hits the edge of the video.I notice that too, not a big deal, just don't scroll near the video.

    May 5, 02:18 PM
    Just buy one now. Rumours are pointing towards a Q4 or Q1 2012 release. No point in waiting that long. The iPhone 4 is a great device, get the white one if you want to be different. :D

    Jan 13, 04:16 PM
    wow, how many times is this topic going to get discussed. Dont Feed the Trolls

    Dec 29, 05:36 PM
    Its great when hobbies start paying their way...

    Sep 29, 12:05 AM
    Why annoying, because PowerPoint is so lame? You can export Keynote to PowerPoint, or to Flash, or QuickTime, or PDF.
    What we really need is a Windows Keynote player downloadable for free off of Apple's website. ...Apple could probably throw one together in a day and iWork sales would skyrocket (not to mention the switching potential of the Windows users watching such a beautiful presentation on their piece of crap :D).

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